It’s inevitable. Even the Nationals’ installation of Barnaby Joyce cannot stop the progress of change. You see the signs everywhere you turn. Some objects are just too big to halt once they have started moving. While ads for utes continue to depict Australians enjoying the great outdoors, the press of ads on Facebook for solar panel installers drips like a raw wound. It’s even questionable whether the Coalition’s pledge to build a gas-fired power station in the Hunter Valley is tenable. On Twitter, where there’s a lively commentary held every day mostly among people who sit on the Left side of the political spectrum, a feeling of unreality persists. When Joe Biden, the US’ game president, pledged to reduce carbon emissions – a call echoed by European leaders – there was universal condemnation on Twitter for the government here in Australia. The gas plant announcement had just been made and people were unhappy. But the writing is on the wall. Even Mathias Cormann, who once sat in Canber...