Will there be an election this year? Certainly, the opinion polls suggest there might be: Australia’s Liberal/National Coalition is both in government and pretty strongly in the lead. This makes the recent contretemps over the Opposition (Labor Party) cabinet shuffles – a few people moved sideways, and no big changes – seem faintly ridiculous. As though people were upset by a missing slice of cake when they’ve still each got a piece sitting in their comfortable, warm laps. Perhaps the voters might want more tea. I prefer mine white with no sugar. Labor has announced some sweeteners, recently coming out with a reversal on their toxic franking credits levy. I heard this little snippet of Canberra gossip when I was driving my car in Marrickville. It was just near the point where my car always reminds me of frequent accidents. A difficult stretch of road with many side-streets to complicate things. I am not sure that Labor has quite got the message with regard to the older vote. There...